Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The most successful compositions are able to create tension and constant dialogue between these elements by contrasting and bouncing them off each other. Contrasts of this sort can be very subtle, or very dramatic – that again is the realm of message and personality and style.

All Formal Elements work together as part of a whole, they are merely different aspects of one thing. They affect each other because they are inter-related. Their dialogue is what gives life to a composition, they are the tools to channel your energy. If you are working on one, it will change another. To practice play off their effects is like etudes for a pianist until he can improvise or interpret freely. The knowledge of their workings will also help you to know when to stop and not over-work


After the Misdeed
about 1885 - 90,
Jean Béraud
Every painting contains colour, this is a vital element, it makes the painting visually effective.
The use of colour is vibrant, the red purposely contrasts with the blue dress, thus making the women the centre of attention. It is amazing how colour can create a range of moods and emotions when transfered onto paper.
The 'colour element' is vital. This can be put into my own work, the colours
Connect this example back to your own work - exploring textures within the fabric. Could the colours used here feature in your work later on? JM

Rocks, Tree Trunks and Branches
George Augustus Wallis
about 1800

This is simply building shapes into coherent form.
The shape of the wood helps to create the feeling of the painting and directs your vision around the painting instead of having a direct vocal point.It is distinguished from its surroundings by its outline.
My drawing shows clearly that shape wheather that be abstract of familiar creates a intresting visula effect. When the shapes are identified, you can begin to make connections with real wolrd object.


An Evening Service in a Church
Pieter Neeffs the Elder and Bonaventura Peeters the Elder

The tonal range is evident in this painting.
Without this consitantcy, the painting would be 2d and lifeless. The tone contributes layers and depth to this painting,making it visually stand out.

Monday, 16 November 2009


This painting potrays a ray of colours. Due to its contempoary style, the colours influence you emotions and lead you into a world where your imagination takes over.

The ues of texture is evident. Bringing these images to life. The lines create movement and help to create a vocal point.The image on the far left has less vivid lines giving it a calm,relaxed quality, whereas the use of lines ont the right image are strong and bold, making it feel frentic.

Monday, 2 November 2009

frontal model

Simplified representation of the characteristic distribution of temperature, cloud, wind, etc., associated with a front.

Frontal paints the cinematic dreamworld, where images float by one on top of another, somewhere we all escape to.

I found this image intreseting because it relates to my current theme, portraying textures. I like the use of lines in this painting, it gives it depth and texture.