These are my finished drawings taken from my own photos. They took around 12hrs each to complete. I learnt that it is important to spend time on the drawing because it pays of. The amount of time you spend on a drawing determines the quality of work produced. These are photos taken of fabric. I have created photos that have movement and dimension through the way I have chosen to compose it. In my first photo the fabric, which originaly worn as a womens scarf, was draped over a lamp, when the lamp was lit, it highlighted the dark and lights areas within the creases of the fabric, helping to -portray the areas of movement within the photo. I found it interesting the way the fabric hung over the light, it created and interesting visual effect and looked similar to that of melting wax. This photo connected with the idea that fabric can portray diffent substances, thus creating different emotions.
My second photo uses the same fabric but I have created a different compostion. I have tryed to empahsize the creases and folds of the fabric by scrunching the fabric up. I am focusing on the movement that the frabric produces. The creases and folds will empahsize the movement. This photo created new ideas towards my final piece. It pointed me in the direction of composition and they way it chnages the emotion of the piece. I found this intereseting because the use of the same fabric could create completely diffent photos and potray completly diffent emotions.
It is important to produce quality photos because they are easy to work with. A quality photo can be produced by having the right lighting, good compostion and they must be in focus.

Themes - expand / explain what you are drawing / photographing / looking at. What are the ideas you are interested in here - why? Always connect your work back to the ideas you are exploring. Explain where your ideas came from and where they might also go from here. JM